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Journaling is an optional feature that can be implemented by the INCONTROL administrator. If implemented, the Control‑M Journal file collects data about changes occurring in the Control‑M Active Jobs file, the IOA Conditions file and the Control‑M Resources file during the Control‑M working day. If the Control‑M Active Jobs file, the IOA Conditions file (optionally) and the Control‑M Resources file (optionally) need to be restored (for example, following a system crash), utility CTMRSTR can be run to restore the files (from the data in the Journal file) to the status they were in as of any specific time after the last run of the New Day procedure.

If Control‑M installation parameter JRNL is set to Y (Yes), changes made to the Active Jobs file and prerequisite conditions added or deleted in the IOA Conditions file are recorded in the Journal file. If the Active Jobs file and/or IOA Conditions file must be restored, the Journal file can be used to implement the restoration.

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Recovery Tools