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IOAVAR Database

The IOAVAR database, which is loaded into memory because it is specified in member IOAGLBVL in the IOAENV library, is unlike other databases in the IOA Variable Database facility.

The IOAVAR can be defined as either DBINOUT (standard database) or S2INOUT (XAE Type 2 database) in member IOAGLBVL in the global member list (the concatenation of files specified in DD statement DAGLBLST).

When using IOAVAR in a Sysplex environment consisting of multiple LPARs, define IOAVAR as S2INOUT. XAE allows for resolution of variables on a Sysplex-wide level by utilizing Coupling Facility structures.

When using IOAVAR on a single LPAR it should be defined as DBINOUT.

WARNING: Loading IOAVAR defined as DBINOUT in multiple LPARs in a Sysplex creates a serious integrity exposure. It may result in each LPAR having a different image of the database (different variables names, different variable values) and in one LPAR overwriting the other LPAR’s database when issuing WRITEGLOBAL (automatically or manually).

For more information about the global member list and XAE databases, see Defining a New Database and Using XAE Type Databases Instead of Standard Type Databases, respectively.

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