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Defining a New Database

In some cases it is desirable to isolate the AutoEdit variables of certain jobs and/or rules from other jobs and rules. This can be done to enable the use of checkpoints or to perform initialization on an application basis. To isolate these variables, define a new AutoEdit variable database specifically for the AutoEdit variables you want to keep separate.

Only Control‑O users can define new IOA AutoEdit variable databases. User of other INCONTROL products can access one database, called IOAVAR.

To define a new AutoEdit variable database, use the IOA Variable Database facility (as described in Navigating and Using the IOA Variable Database Facility), and add the name of the new database to the global member list, which is a concatenation of three members referenced by DD statement DAGLBLST: IOAGLBVL, CTOGLBVL and DAGLBLST.

The global member list is the list of members referenced by DD statement DAGLBLST of the INCONTROL product monitor procedure, which is currently either CONTROLO or CTMCMEM. DD statement DAGLBLST points to a concatenation of the following members:

Table 77 Global Member List

Global Member



Contains a list of databases that are mandatory for users of all INCONTROL products, other than Control‑O.


Contains a list of databases that are mandatory for Control‑O users.


Contains a list of members that are optional for Control‑O users.

Each line of the global member list describes a database. The format of each line is

database <filetype+attribute>

Table 78 Fields of Global Member List Lines




Name of the database.


File type of global database. Valid values:

DB - Standard database.

S1 - XAE Type 1 database. This file type is only available for Control‑O.

S2 - XAE Type 2 database.


Type of database. Valid values:

INOUT - The database is loaded and updated using commands LOADGLOBAL and WRITEGLOBAL. For details, see Loading AutoEdit Variable Databases and Updating AutoEdit Variable Databases.

INPUT - The database can be loaded but cannot be written back. This option can be used for storing AutoEdit variables whose initial values are specified in the database and do not require checkpointing. The value of each AutoEdit variable can be changed and new AutoEdit variables can be added to the database during the INCONTROL product session, but these new values and new variables are not saved when the product is stopped.
This attribute is only available for Control‑O.

PROT - The database cannot be updated during the INCONTROL product session and no new AutoEdit variables can be assigned to the database. This option can be used for a database containing AutoEdit variables that are "constants.
This attribute is only available for Control‑O.

TEMP - The database does not reside on the disk and therefore cannot be loaded or written back. This attribute is useful for a database containing AutoEdit variables that do not need to be saved after the INCONTROL product session is stopped.
This attribute is only available for Control‑O.

Below is a screen segment that contains sample content for member DAGLBLST of the Control‑O PARM library.

Figure 16 Sample Content for Member DAGLBLST

Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 

000001 ***********************************************************************

000002 *       ADD LIST OF POOLS                                              

000003 READONLY    INPUT      A READ-ONLY MEMBER                              

000004 * ******************************************************************** 

000005 * *         COSMOS RELATED POOLS                                     * 

000006 * ******************************************************************** 

000007 *                                                                      

000008 *           DEMO DATABASES                                             

000009 *                                                                      

000010 COSWORKV    TEMP       COSMOS - WORKING VARIABLES                      









000019 *                                                                      

000020 *           PROD DATABASES                                             

000021 *                                                                      







000028 *                                                                      

000029 * ******************************************************************** 


000031 * ******************************************************************** 

000032 *                                                                      

000033 *           DEMO DATABASES                                             

000034 *                                                                      



000037 * ******************************************************************** 

000038 * *         TUTORIAL RELATED POOLS                                   * 

000039 * ******************************************************************** 

000040 TUTORIAL    DBINPUT   TUTORIAL                                         

000041 * ******************************************************************** 

000042 * *         XAE TEST RELATED POOLS                                   * 

000043 * ******************************************************************** 

000044   XAES1D01  S1TEMP    XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - TEMP                        

000045 * XAES1D02  S1INPUT   XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - INPUT                       

000046 * XAES1D03  S1PROT    XESXAE - DEMO - S1 - PROT (SAME AS DBPROT)       


000048   XAES2D01  S2TEMP    XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - TEMP                        

000049   XAES2D02  S2INPUT   XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - INPUT                       

000050 * XAES2D03  S2PROT    XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - PROT (SAME AS DBPROT)       

000051 * XAES2D04  S2INOUT   XESXAE - DEMO - S2 - INOUT                       

After defining and listing the new database, you must activate it with one of the following operator commands:

Parent Topic

IOA Variable Database Facility