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Inserting a New Variable Database

In the OPT field on the List of Databases Screen, enter I to insert a new variable database. The New Database window is displayed.

Figure 10 New Database Window

LIST OF DATABASES --  IOA DATABASE FACILITY   -----------------------------(IV)

COMMAND ===>    +-----------------------------------------------------------+  SR


   I  COSALLMT  |                                                           |   

      COSALLPR  |   NEW DATABASE NAME                     CREATE    (Y/N)   |   

      COSIMGOB  |                                                           |   

      COSIMGSD  |   DESCRIPTION                                             |   

      COSSTCOB  |                                                           |   

      COSSTCSD  |   NUMBER OF ROWS 00000100                                 |   

      COSVTMOB  |                                                           |   

      COSVTMSD  +-----------------------------------------------------------+   

===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE DATABASES  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====





OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT   U UPDATE   V VIEW VARS                  12.04.36

The following fields are displayed in this window:

Table 70 Fields of the IOA Variable Database New Database Window




Name of the new variable database. Up to eight characters can be specified. Mandatory.


Whether to create the new variable database. Mandatory. Valid values are:

Y (Yes) – Create the new variable database.

N (No) – Exit the New Database window without creating the new variable database.


Free text description of the new database. This description is displayed in the List of Databases screen. Up to 40 characters can be specified. Optional.


Maximum number of rows for the database. Mandatory. The value specified in this field is used to determine the amount of storage space allocated for the variable database.

The new database is inserted after the database for which the I (INSERT) option was specified. The list of databases is alphabetized the next time the List of Databases screen is displayed.

New Variable Databases are added to the files on disk. To make variables in a new database immediately available to Control‑O rules, add the name of the new database to the DAGLBLST DD statement in the Control‑O Monitor procedure, and specify the following command:


where dbname is the name of the new database.

For more information, see Chapter Control-O.

To populate the new database with database columns, see Defining a New Variable Database Column.

Parent Topic

Navigating and Using the IOA Variable Database Facility