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The Dynamic Destination Table

After completing installation, but before using the IOA Shout facility services, you must build and define the parameters in the IOADEST sample member in the IOA PARM library.

WARNING: If you do not define the global parameters in the IOADEST member, the IOA Shout facility will not function.

The destination parameters, contained in the IOADEST member, are described in the table. An example is shown in the figure that follows. For more information about Dynamic Destination tables, see Dynamic Destination Table.

Table 50 IOADEST parameters




Specifies the group name for recipients of Shout messages. There can be any number of groups, and the same recipient parameters can appear in more than one group and can be repeated within a particular group. Each group name must begin with one of the following expressions:

  • TSO-
  • OPER-
  • OPER2-
  • U-

Each group can include all the recipient parameters described below in this table.


Specifies a TSO user-ID.


Specifies a ROUTCODE for the operator console - number from 1 to 15.


Specifies a ROUTCODE for an alternative console - number from 1 to 15.


Specifies a MAIL or SNMP destination.


Specifies an abbreviation of USERID. Optionally, the parameter can be set to one of the following:

  • M:<mail-destination>

Where: <mail-destination> must be defined in the MAILDEST member as a NICK name or GROUP.

  • S:<snmp-destination>

Where: <snmp-destination> must be defined in the SNMPDEST member as a NICK name or GROUP.

The following code shows an example of a IOADEST table:

Figure 3 IOADEST table example

*  TSO users-id                                                        







*  operators users-id                                                  






      U=M:OPER-MAIL             must be defined in MAILDEST             

      U=S:OPER-SNMP             must be defined in SNMPDEST             

Parent Topic

Message Destination Tables