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Dynamic Destination Table

The IOA Shout facility allows the user to specify messages to be sent to particular destinations upon the occurrence of specified events. However, it may be necessary to send a particular message to several destinations, and/or a particular physical destination may vary depending on time of day or other factors. For example, the TSO logon ID of the shift manager may be different for each shift.

These situations are handled by defining groups of destinations in a Dynamic Destination table. The Dynamic Destination table consists of a site‑defined list of logical destination names. For each logical, or group, destination name, a list of physical destinations is defined. The table can include all possible types of Shout destinations, including E-mail, TSO, SNMP trap, and operator consoles.

A logical destination name can be specified for a Shout message. The message, when shouted, is sent to each physical destination defined to the logical location. If the physical location is logged on, it receives the message.

Multiple Dynamic Destination tables can be defined, one of which is defined as the default. This Dynamic Destination Table is loaded when the product‑specific monitor, such as the Control‑M monitor, is started. A different Dynamic Destination table can be loaded using the operator command. However, only one table can be loaded at time.

Note: Shout messages are directed by the product‑specific monitor to the Dynamic Destination table in memory.

When a change is made to the Dynamic Destination Table in memory, and it is desired that the change be implemented immediately, the table is reloaded into each product’s memory. For information about loading and reloading Dynamic Destination tables in memory, see IOA Administration.

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