
The Control-M/Server restore_host_config utility automates the recovery process to perform updates in the host name configuration in the following situations:

  • Host name data restore in Disaster Recovery sites

  • Database server communication parameter property updates

  • Removing the high-availability secondary host data

Restoring Control-M/Server Hostname and Configuration Data During Disaster Recovery

This procedure describes how to restore the Control-M/Server hostname and configuration data in the database during disaster recovery when moving to the stand-by environment.

Before you begin

Shut down Control-M/Server and Control-M/Server Configuration Agent


  1. Navigate to the following directory:


  2. Type the following command:

    restore_host_config -dr [-primary/secondary] [-remove_secondary y|n]

Reconfiguring the Database Server Connection Data

This procedure describes how to reconfigure the database server connection data in the configuration files and the database, when the database server connection parameters are changed.

Before you begin

Shut down Control-M/Server and Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.


  1. Navigate to the following directory:


  2. Type the following command:

    restore_host_config -reconf_db [-host <new db host name>] [-port <new db port number>] [-dbname <new db schemaname>] [-service <new db service name>] [-owner <new db owner name>] [[-password <dbo password>] [-pg_existing_server <y/n>]

    • The-pg_existing_server must be used for PostgreSQL databases.

    • The y value defines that the database server cannot be administered by the installation (Existing mode).

    • The n value defines that the database server can be administered by the installation (Dedicated mode).

    • The source and destination database must from the same database vendor.

  3. Start the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server

    (UNIX only) The reconfigure steps make changes to the environment and for the changes to take effect, you must execute the start commands on a new shell.

Removing the Secondary High-Availability Installation Component Data in the Control-M/Server Database

This procedure describes how to remove the secondary (inactive) high-availability installation component data in Control-M/Server database.

Before you begin

Shut down Control-M/Server and Control-M/Server Configuration Agent


  1. Navigate to the following directory:


  2. Type the following command:

    restore_host_config -remove_secondary