
The loader utility is used to load default data to the Control-M/EM database. This utility should only be used if you ran a clean database operation and want to restore default data to the folders.

Running the loader Utility

This procedure describes how to run the loader utility, which is used to load default data to the Control-M/EM database.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/EM is installed. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

  2. Type one of the following commands:

    • UNIX: em loader [-d <directory> | -f <fileName>] [-u <userName> [-p <password>] [-db <databaseName>] [-append] [-erase] [-diagon] [-h]

    • Windows: loader [-d <directory> | -f <fileName>] [-u <userName> [-p <password>] [-db <databaseName>] [-append] [-erase] [-diagon] [-h]

loader Utility Parameters

The following table describes the loader utility parameters:



-d <directory>

Defines the directory where the files with the default data is located.

-f <fileName>

Defines the full path of the file where the loaded data is saved.

-u <userName>

Defines the database user name.

-p <password>

Defines the database user password.

-db <databaseName>

Defines the database where you want to load the data.


Appends the data to the information that already exists.


Erases the data that already exists.


Displays the loader utility information on your screen.


Displays the loader utility usage.