Cryptographic Algorithms and Encryption Keys

The following table describes the protocols and algorithms that Control-M uses to secure data.

Algorithm or Protocol


PBKDF2 Hashing Algorithm with HMAC SHA-512

Encrypts stored local end user credentials.


Symmetrically encrypts data that is in transit and at rest.

TLS 1.2

Encrypts via SSL protocol in zones 1–3.


Encrypts passwords that are used to authenticate access to the PostgreSQL database server.

Replacing the Control-M Encryption Keys

This procedure describes how to replace the Control-M factory encryption keys from the installation for all components.


  1. Create a new key using the keygen script, as follows:

    • UNIX:

      • ./ctm_agent/ctm/scripts/ -keyoutput <file path>

      • ./ctm_server/scripts/ -keyoutput <file path>

    • Windows:

      • <AGENT_HOME>\keygen.bat -keyoutput <file path>

      • <CTM_SERVER_HOME>\ctm_server\scripts\ keygen.bat -keyoutput <file path>

  2. Replace the following keys with the same name in the required locations at the same time, as described in Control-M Encryption Keys:

    • ctm_key.txt

    • transfer_key.txt

    • Local.key

    • new_local.txt (You must restart Control-MFT)

Control-M Encryption Keys

The following table lists the Control-M encryption keys and their locations:






  • CCM


  • Control-M/EM Server

  • Control-M/Server

  • Control-M/Agent

  • CM

Encrypts the following:

  • run_as_user password

  • run_as in the Agentless Host

  • CCM, CM_PLUGIN: <EM_HOME>\ini\fips

  • Control-M/Server: ctm_server\data

  • Control-M/Agent: ctm_agent\ctm\data\keys

  • Control-M/EM Server: <EM_HOME>\ini\fips



Encrypts the following:

  • Passwords and passphrases that are stored in the database

  • Email password in <Control-M/Server home directory> /ctm_server/data/

  • UNIX:

  • Windows: replace_encryption_key.bat



Encrypts the database password

You cannot update this key.


  • Control-M/EM Desktops

  • Control-M/EM Server

Encrypts local Control-M/EM files



  • Control-M/EM clients

  • Control-M/EM Server

Encrypts local Control-M/EM files with a key unique to the specific installation.

Do not copy this file or the files that it encrypts

  • UNIX: <EM_HOME>/ctm_em/bin/change_transient_key

  • Windows: <EM_HOME>\bin\change_transient_key.bat



Encrypts local passwords in the Control-M/Agent

Run the ctmagcpk utility


Control-M MFT

Encrypts passwords and passphrases in the following files:

  • accounts.xml

  • Pgp_templates.dat





If you want share files such as accounts.xml between two hosts with Control-M MFT, the same key must exist on each host.


  • Control-M/EM

  • Workflow insight

  • AAPI

Encrypts the following:

  • Connection profiles in def_conf_items table in EM DB.

  • Workflow insight passwords in PARAMS table in EM DB

  • AAPI secrets in def_items table in EM DB

  • Email password in <EM_HOME>/etc/

  • Windows: run <EM_HOME>\bin\replace_db_enc_key.bat

  • Unix: run: em

If you want to replace the db_enc_key.txt file using the replace_db_enc_key script, see Replacing the key in the db_enc_key.txt file.

Stored passwords refer to both passwords for Agentless Hosts and non-default Control-M/Agent users and the SSH key passphrase. The Agentless Hosts and Non-Default Control-M/Agent users are stored in the database encrypted with the data\keys\security_aes_key.txt encryption key. If you replace the key, a new key is generated and all passwords stored in the database are re-encrypted.

The replace_encryption_key script replaces the key. The previous key and database tables that contain the previous encrypted passwords are saved in the following locations:

  • Windows: <installation dir>\bcp_backup_<time_stamp> directory

  • UNIX: <installation dir>/backup_db_<time_stamp> directory

    The previous key is saved in the <installation dir> /data/keys/security_aes_key_<time_stamp>.txt file.

    You must delete the backups after you verify the conversion has completed successfully and new jobs can be submitted to Agentless Hosts and Control-M/Agents that run as a not-default user.

Replacing the key in the db_enc_key.txt file

This procedure describes how to replace the key in the db_enc_key.txt file using the replace_db_enc_key script. This enables you to change the database encryption key.

You can find the db_enc_key.txt file in the following locations:

  • Windows: <EM_HOME>\ini\fips
  • Linux: <EM_HOME>/ini/fips


  1. Shut down all the Control-M/EM processes in all the Control-M/EM machines in your environment.

  2. From the home directory of your active primary or secondary Control-M/EM machine, run one of the following scripts:

    • Windows: Navigate to <EM_HOME>\bin and run replace_db_enc_key.bat and follow the on-screen instructions.

    • Linux: Navigate to <EM_HOME>/bin/ and run and follow the on-screen instructions.

    (Linux only) Ensure that you are using EM Shell, such as em tcsh.

  3. Verify that the script ended successfully and start all the processes in all the Control-M/EM machines in your environment.

    You can view the logs of the scripts in the <EM_HOME>/log directory.

  4. Verify that all the processes are UP in your active environment.

Configuring Security Filters

This procedure describes how to configure security filters in the Control-M Web Server. Security filters provide enhanced browser security. By default, a set of filters are enabled. You can add, edit, delete or disable security filters.


  1. From a command line, type the following:


  2. Press 2. Security Filter Configuration.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To disable security filters, press 1.

    • To disable secure cookies, press 2.

    • To add, edit, or delete security filters, press 3. Security Filters Configuration.