Migrating Control-M Workload Archiving

This procedure describes how to migrate Control-M Workload Archiving data from a source archive database on a Control-M/EM Distributed computer to a target archive database. Workload Archiving Migration data supports migration from a PostgreSQL database to another PostgreSQL database, or from an Oracle database to another Oracle database.

The migration may take several hours or even days, depending on the amount of data that is migrated and the network latency between the source and target database. If the migration fails, you can restart it from the point of failure.

Control-M/EM may finish migration and be up and running well before Control-M Workload Archiving is. To ensure that the archiving process does not miss job log and job output data, you can adjust retention parameters as described in Configuring Retention Parameters to Prevent Loss of Archive Data.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you have successfully completed the Control-M Workload Archiving Installation.

  • Verify that there are no job definitions or Archive policies in the new environment. The migration utility overwrites all previous data.

  • Ensure that Control-M Workload Archiving is down in both the source environment and the target environment. From the CCM, set the desired state of the Workload Archiving Server to DOWN. In addition, ensure that both the source database and target database are UP, as described in arc_database_menu.


  1. In the new Control-M/EM Distributed environment, navigate to the following directory:


  2. Run the following script:


  3. Follow the on-screen instructions, or type the following command:

    -host <source db host> -port <source db port> -username <source db username> -password <source db password> -name <source db name>

    This script migrates the data from the old environment to the new environment. For a full list of parameters, see Workload Archiving Migration Parameters.

    • If the Workload Archiving server was up on the new computer before migration, it is restarted automatically. If not, you can restart the server when the following message appears:

      Starting migration from source's DB to target's DB

    • All rules are migrated to the new environment with the same active rule state and continue to archive data when Workload Archiving starts up in the new environment.

  4. Verify that the original Workload Archiving server is disabled and removed from the CCM.

Workload Archiving Migration Parameters

The following table describes the Workload Archiving migration parameters.




Defines the source database host.


Defines the source database port.


Defines the source database username.


Defines the source database password.


Defines the source database name.


Automatically answers Yes to prompts.


Restarts the Archive migration. All the data in the Workload Archiving database is deleted and you can now begin the migration again.


(Restart only) Defines the target database administrator password.


(Restart pnly) Defines the target database administrator username.


Shows the usage menu.