CtmFolder Class

The following table describes the CtmFolder API class that defines and retrieves Control-M Folder attributes for folders that you create through Control-M Self-Conversion.



getFolderInputXmlData():CtmXmlElement Class

Returns CtmXmlElement Class, which contains the XML element that was used during creation of the folder. To create a Control-M folder from XML elements, the Control-M Self-Conversion engine builds a map between the folder instance and the specific XML element in the input data. Folder XML elements usually contain additional folder data within XML element attributes or XML sub-elements (such as Folder Name). The folder XML element can be used as input data for other rules (such as Create Folder Name). For an example, see Creating a Folder.

getJobs(): List<CtmJob Class>

Returns all folder's jobs children. If no jobs exist an empty list is returned.

getSubFolders(): List<CtmFolder Class>

Returns all folder's sub folders children. If no sub folders exist an empty list is returned.

getAllSubEntities(): List<CtmBaseEntity>

Returns all folder's jobs and sub folders children. If no jobs or sub folders exist an empty list is returned.

CtmBaseEntity exposes jobs and folders common APIs.

getParentFolder():CtmFolder Class

Returns the parent folder.

general():CtmFolder Class

Returns CtmFolder Class, which enables you to define general settings for the folder (such as Folder Name).

scheduling():CtmFolder Class

Returns CtmFolder Class, which enables you to define scheduling settings (such as From Time) for the folder.

prerequisites():CtmFolder Class

Returns CtmFolder Class, which enables you to define prerequisites (such as an In Event) for the folder.

actions():CtmFolder Class

Returns CtmFolder Class, which enables you to define actions (such as an Out Event) for the folder.


The following table describes the GeneralAPI sub-class that defines general settings for folders.



setName(String foldername)

Sets the Control-M Folder Name. For an example, see Setting a Name for a Folder.


Returns the Control-M Folder Name.

setDescription(String description)

Sets the Control-M Folder Description.


Returns the Control-M Folder Description.

setApplication(String application)

Sets the Control-M folder Application.


Returns the Control-M Folder Application.

setSubApplication(String subApplication)

Sets the Control-M Folder Sub-application.


Returns the Control-M Folder Sub-application.

addLocalVariable(String name, String value)

Adds a local variable to the folder.

addGlobalVariable(String name, String value)

Adds a global variable to the folder.

addSMARTFolderVariable(String name, String value)

Adds a SMART folder variable to the folder.

addNamedPoolVariable(String name, String value)

Adds a named pool variable to the folder.

removeLocalVariable(String name)

Removes a local variable from the folder.

removeGlobalVariable(String name)

Removes a global variable from the folder.

removeSMARTFolderVariable(String name)

Removes a SMART folder variable from the folder.

removeNamedPoolVariable(String name, String value)

Removes a named pool variable from the folder.

getLocalVariableValue(String name)

Returns the value of a local variable in the folder.

getGlobalVariableValue(String name)

Returns the value of a global variable in the folder.

getSMARTFolderVariableValue(String name)

Returns the value of a SMART folder variable in the folder.

getNamedPoolVariableValue(String poolName, String VariableName)

Returns the value of a named pool variable in the folder.

hasLocalVariable(String name)

Checks whether folder settings contain a specific local variable.

hasGlobalVariable(String name)

Checks whether folder settings contain a specific global variable.

hasSMARTFolderVariable(String name)

Checks whether folder settings contain a specific SMART folder variable.

hasNamedPoolVariable(String poolName, String variableName)

Checks whether folder settings contain a specific named pool variable.


The following table describes the SchedulingAPI sub-class that defines job scheduling settings.



setTimeSettings(String fromTime, String toTime)

Sets time limits for submitting jobs in the folder.

setTimeSettings("0600","1400") means submit jobs only between 06:00 (6:00 am) and 14:00 (2:00 pm).


The following table describes the PrerequisitesAPI sub-class that defines In Events.



addInCondition(String conditionName, InConditionAndOr relationship, boolean removeCondition)

Adds an In event for the folder.

Use the following input parameters:

  • conditionName

  • relationship, based on the InConditionAndOr enum, with possible values And or Or.

  • removeCondition - whether to remove the In event after job completion, either True or False.


The following table describes the PrerequisitesAPI sub-class that defines Out Events.



addOutCondition(String conditionName)

Adds a specific Out event for the folder.

addOutCondition(String conditionName, String OrderDate, OutConditionSign sign)

Adds an Out event for the folder, based on values that you specify for the following parameters: conditionName OrderDate sign, based on the OutCondition enum, with possible values Add or Remove.