Agent Troubleshooting Utilities

The following Agent utilities describe how to troubleshoot the Agent if there are issues.


The Agent includes a diagnostic program that checks parameters and environmental conditions relevant to communication between the Agent and server computers. This program is typically used at the request of Technical Support to determine the cause of a communication problem.

Running the ag_diag_comm utility

This procedure describes how to run the ag_diag_comm utility, which enables you to generate a diagnostic report on the Agent communication.


  1. Navigate to the directory where the Agent is installed.

  2. Enter the following command:


    The Agent Communication Diagnostic Report appears.

    Control-M/Agent Communication Diagnostic Report

    Agent User Name : agbebes
    Agent Directory : /home/agbebes/ctm
    Agent Platform Architecture : Linux
    Agent Version :
    Agent Host Name :
    Logical Agent Name :
    Server-to-Agent Queue :
    Agent-to-Server Queue :
    Signaling Queue :
    Server-Agent Protocol Version : 13
    Server-Agent Comm. Protocol : HTTPS
    Agent Ping to Control-M/Server : Succeeded

    Agent processes status
    Java services : ["ar","onboarding","housekeeping"] on port 38029
    Agent Listener : Running as agbebes (7907)
    Agent Tracker : Running as agbebes (8023)
    Agent Tracker-Worker : Running as agbebes (8025)

    If the user is not the Administrator, the ag_diag_comm command shows partial details.


The ag_ping utility verifies whether the Control-M/Server is connected to the Agent computer.

The utility attempts to communicate with the Control-M/Server and indicates whether the attempt succeeded or failed.

If the attempt succeeds, the following message appears:


Server is alive.

Result: Success.


The _exit utility terminates processes on Windows. The _exit utility is similar to the exit built-in shell function in Linux.

Running the _exit utility

This procedure describes how to run the _exit utility.


  1. Create an OS job as command, as described in Creating a Job.

  2. In the Command field, type the following:

    _exit <exitCode>

    The <exitCode> variable is any whole integer number n. Default: 0

    The job output shows %errorlevel% = <exitCode>.

    Define _exit 0 to cause the job to end with %errorlevel% 0.

    Define _exit 1 in a script to cause the job to end with %errorlevel% 1.


The sleep command suspends execution for a defined interval of time. The _sleep utility is similar to the sleep built-in shell function in Linux.

Running the _sleep utility

This procedure describes how to run the _sleep utility on Windows.


  1. Create an OS job as command, as described in Creating a Job.

  2. In the Command field, type the following:

    _sleep <seconds>

    The <seconds> variable is the number of seconds the execution is suspended.


The start-ag and shut-ag utilities starts up and shuts down the Agent.

Starting up the Agent

This procedure describes how to start up the Agent.


  • Do one of the following:

    • To start the Agent on Linux, type the following command:


      • To specify a user, add -u <Agent_User>.

      • To start a specific Agent process, add -p <process>. To start all the Agent processes, add -p all.

    • To start the Agent on Windows, do the following:
      1. Type the following command:


      2. Right click the Control-M/Agent service and click Start.

        The default instance name appears as Control-M Agent

        The non default instance appears as Control-M Agent <instance name>

Shutting down the Agent

This procedure describes how to shut down the Agent.


  • Do one of the following:

    • To shut down the Agent on Linux, type the following command:


      • To specify a user, add -u <Agent_User>.

      • To shut down a specific Agent process, add -p <process>. To shut down all the Agent processes, add -p all.

    • To shut down the Agent on Windows, do the following:
      1. Type the following command:


      2. Right click the Control-M/Agent service and click Stop.

        The default instance name appears as Control-M Agent

        The non default instance appears as Control-M Agent <instance name>


The agdbglvl utility enables you to change the Agent debug level in the log.

The log level valid values range from 0 to 5, where 0 indicates no diagnostic activity, and 5 indicates the highest level of diagnostic functionality.

The agdbglvl command is as follows:

  • Linux: agdbglvl <log level>

  • Windows: agdbglvl -agent <instanceName> <log level>