Creating a periodic calendar

This procedure describes how to create a periodic calendar, which is a pre-defined calendar based on different calendar periods that you define. The periods can be nonconsecutive, of varying length, and overlapping. No single period can exceed 255 days.

To create a periodic calendar:

  1. From the Tools domain, in the Planning area, select Calendars.
  2. Click New and then click Periodic Calendar.
  3. In the Calendar Name field, type the name of the calendar.

    NOTE: For distributed systems, it must not exceed 30 characters. For Mainframe, no lower case, but it must not exceed 8 characters and no white spaces.

  4. From the Control-M Server drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server or All. All refers to all Control-M Servers, both distributed and mainframe systems. The calendar name must adhere to the validation criteria of calendar name for both systems.
  5. (Mainframe only) In the Alias field, add a valid calendar name.
  6. In the Description field, describe details about the calendar.
  7. Select a period (A-Z, 1-9) to assign the calendar definition.
  8. Do one of the following:
  9. If you want to add additional periods, repeat steps 7 and 8.
  10. Click OK.

    The periodic calendar is created and appears in the calendar table.

  11. If you want to make the calendar available for scheduling, select the calendar and click Check in.

    If the Control-M Server is set to All, under Synchronization State click the I_WA_UG_Calendar_CTM_Sync button.

    The Synchronization Status table appears which includes the list of Control-M Servers and their synchronization state, as described in Synchronization status parameters.

    The calendar synchronizes in the Definitions database. If your synchronization setting is set to No Synchronization, (see Configuring Control-M/Server synchronization), you can upload the calendar to Control-M/Server by clicking Upload drop-down list, and selecting Upload (to upload calendar to Control-M/Server) or Force Upload (same as Upload, but override changes).

Parent Topic

Calendar management