Active Job analysis

To help you analyze jobs and manage job flows, you can display and modify the processing details of jobs in the Monitoring domain. You can also modify certain details for that job.

If Batch Impact Manager (BIM) is installed, you can monitor Control-M actual and estimated job executions from a glance and obtain an understanding of the jobs runtime information that enables you to control your active environment more efficiently.

The monitoring viewpoint can show you the jobs in a flow that will start/end running and which jobs are planned to execute in a specific timeframe.

BIM provides average start/end time for jobs that are estimated not to run based on runtime statistics. If the average start time already passed and the job did not run, an estimation warning appears I_WA_UG_average_start_time_passed in addition to the average start and end time sent by BIM. If both the start and end times are based on an estimation, I_WA_UG_based_on_average_estimation is displayed before the estimated start time. If only the end time is based on an estimation, I_WA_UG_based_on_average_estimation is displayed before the estimated end time.


BIM estimates Job A will not run

Job A Average start to end time = 08:00-08:05

Job A actual start time = 08:04

BIM shows end time as I_WA_UG_no_time_stats. When Job A starts, BIM begins to process the calculation and when the end time has been calculated, BIM updates the new estimated end time showing I_WA_UG_run_info. When job's run is complete the start and end times are updated.

For details on the BIM icons, see Run time estimation information.

You can view a job's details in the following tabs:




Shows fields such as, start time and end time, order ID, order date, status, attributes of the selected job, as described in Job definition.

Waiting Info

Displays the reasons why the job has not yet been executed and enables you to intervene as needed. For more information, see Analyzing active jobs.


Displays the job script statements or a z/OS job’s JCL code, as described in Analyzing a script. For more information on verifying the JCL code, see Verifying JCL code in an active job.


Displays the activity log of the selected job.

Belongs To

Displays what service and Workload Policy the job belongs. For more information, see Analyzing what service the job belongs to.


Displays the job’s Output, as described in Analyzing Output of an active job.


Displays statistics of the job’s latest runs.


Displays a description related to the job, and is saved in a defined location. The Documentation area in the Properties pane includes information about where to find the Documentation.

In a z/OS job, the Documentation is in a Doc Member located in a Doc Library.

In a non-z/OS job, the Documentation depends on whether the type is File or URL:

  • For a file, the description is located in a file located in a file path.
  • For a URL, the Documentation is located in a URL address.

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