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Indicates how the job’s log file (Output) should be handled after the job ends with a status of OK. If no Output handling is specified (or the job does not end OK), and no Handle Output statement (in the On Statement/Code parameters) is activated, the job’s log file is placed in the location determined by Control‑M until it is removed by the New Day procedure.

NOTE: The Control‑M Automatic Log Copy system parameter is not affected in any way by specified Output Handling. Some Output Handling options (those that are selected from the Output Handling list) require you to supply additional input. When such an option is selected from the Actions Tab, an additional text box is displayed. The label for this text box is different for each Output Handling option that is selected. When an additional text box is displayed, enter the appropriate information in it.

For more information about Output Handling Actions, see Output Handling Actions.

Additional information





Drop-down list.

Valid values:

  • Change job class (z/OS only)
  • Delete
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Print
  • None

For most of these options, a second field is displayed.

The format of the second field is as follows:


Computers other than z/OS: Up to 255 characters.

z/OS: Up to 44 characters, as follows:

  • File Name (Copy): up to 44 characters
  • New Class Name (Change job class): 1 character
  • New Destination (Move): up to 8 characters

Case sensitive


Invalid Characters


Variable Support

Yes. A variable or expression can be specified as all or part of the value for this parameter.

Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: NOTIFICATION
  • Control-M Report:

    Output Handling is composed of two sub parameters

  • SYSOPT Equivalent to the Output handling text box.
  • PARM Equivalent to the variously-named text boxes that are displayed when specific Output Handling options are chosen.
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: ‑OUTPUT
  • Control‑M for z/OS: OUTPUT
  • Control-M/EM API: Output handling is composed of three sub-parameters:
  • output_from_class Equivalent to From Class
  • output_option Equivalent to Option.
  • output_parameter Equivalent to Parameter.

Alternate Formats

Control-M Report

The values for SYSOPT and PARM are strings.

Control‑M/Server Utilities

Two values are supplied for ‑OUTPUT:


  • COPY
  • MOVE


The appropriate value, depending on the <option> value specified. String.

Control‑M for z/OS

Output is composed of the following sub-parameters:


Type of Output handling to perform. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • C – Change the class of the job output. [z/OS, only.]
  • D – Delete the job output.
  • F – Copy the job output to file.
  • N – Change the destination of the job output.
  • R – Release the job output.


Relevant Output data. Mandatory and valid only if the specified OP value is F, C, or N. Valid values depend on the OP value:

  • F – File name. String comprised of from 1 through 44 characters. All characters are valid except blanks.
  • C – New class (1 character). Any character is valid except blank, but an asterisk (*) indicates the original MSGCLASS of the job.
  • N – New destination (1 through 8 characters). All characters are valid except blanks.


1-character value that identifies the class of job output to process. Selected when C is the value of OPT. [z/OS, only.] Optional.

If a FRM class is not specified, all Output classes are treated as a single, whole unit.

Parent Topic

Actions parameters