Output Handling Actions

The following table describes the Output Handling Actions. For examples of Output Handling Actions, see Output handling action examples.




Deletes the log file


Copies the log file.

Outputs should not be copied to a Control-M internal directory or subdirectory (for example, a subdirectory underneath the Output directory).

Specify the log file name and full path to which the log file must be copied in the File Name text box. The following can occur:

Log file name Full path Remark

  • Specified/Specified: The log file is copied as specified in the File Name text box.
  • Specified/Not specified: The log file is copied to the job owner’s home directory using the file name specified. For jobs executed on remote hosts, the log file is copied to the agent home directory through which the job was submitted. However, the file is not copied if WMI protocol is used.
  • Not specified/Specified: The log file is copied to a default file name determined according to the considerations below, to the full path specified.
  • Not specified/Not specified: The log file is copied to the job owner’s home directory using the default file name determined according to the considerations below. For jobs executed on remote hosts, the log file is copied to the agent home directory through which the job was submitted.

File name considerations:

  • For Microsoft Windows: <File_Name>|<Job_Name>_<order_num>_<rerun_num>.DAT
  • For OpenVMS: <File Name>.TXT
  • For UNIX: <File_Name>|<Job_Name>.LOG<order_num>.<rerun_num>
  • For OS/2, the full path name must be specified.
  • Special notes for IBM i (AS/400) computers:

    This second field is mandatory. It indicates the database file to which the job log is copied. The file must be specified in one of the following formats:




    If the specified file does not exist, it is created. The job log is placed in the file as member CM<AS/400_Job Number> (the first line of the member contains details that identify the job).

    If the specified file already exists, and its record length is 132 or more, the job log is placed in the file as a new member identified as above.

    If the specified file already exists, and its record length is less than 132, the job log is truncated and placed in the file as a new member identified as above.


Releases the log file for printing on the specified printer/output queue.

A second field is displayed for the printer queue to which the log file should be released. The default printer/output queue and the Output directory are determined by Control‑M system parameters on each computer. For more information, see your Control‑M administrator.

Special notes for IBM i (AS/400) computers:

  • If an output queue is not specified, the output of the job is sent to the queue specified by the Control‑M Default Output Queue system parameter.
  • The name of the output queue must be specified in one of the following formats:




  • If outq (without library) or *LIBL/outq is specified, the specified outq is taken from the *LIBL (Library list) of Control‑M. If the specified outq is not found in the Library list, the Release option is not executed.
  • If library/outq is specified, the output queue is taken from the specified library. If the specified outq is not found in the specified library, the Release option is not executed.


Moves the log file and deletes it from the Control‑M Output directory. The New Destination text box is displayed for the location to which the log file should be moved.

Outputs should not be moved to a Control-M internal directory or subdirectory (for example, a subdirectory underneath the OUTPUT directory).

Specify the log file name and full path to which the log file must be moved in the File Name text box. The following can occur:

Log file name Full path Remark

  • Specified/Specified: The log file is copied as specified in the File Name text box.
  • Specified/Not specified: The log file is copied to the job owner’s home directory using the file name specified. For jobs executed on remote hosts, the log file is copied to the agent home directory through which the job was submitted. However, the file is not copied if WMI protocol is used.
  • Not specified/Specified: The log file is copied to a default file name determined according to the considerations below, to the full path specified.
  • Not specified/Not specified: The log file is copied to the job owner’s home directory using the default file name determined according to the considerations below. For jobs executed on remote hosts, the log file is copied to the agent home directory through which the job was submitted.

File name considerations:

  • For Microsoft Windows:


  • For OpenVMS:

    <Mem Name>.TXT

  • For UNIX:


  • For OS/2, the full path name must be specified.
  • For IBM i (AS/400) and UNISYS computers:
  • The second field indicates the outq (output queue) to which the job log spool file should be moved.
  • If an output queue is not specified, the job log spool file is moved to the queue specified by the Control‑M Default Output Queue system parameter.
  • The name of the output queue must be specified in one of the following formats:




  • If outq (without library) or *LIBL/outq is specified, the specified outq is taken from the *LIBL (Library list) of Control‑M. If the specified outq is not found in the Library list, the Move option is not executed.
  • If library/outq is specified, the output queue is taken from the specified library. If the specified outq is not found in the specified library, the Move option is not executed.
  • Change Jobs Class

Changes the class of job output. [z/OS only]

The New Class Name text box and From Class text box are displayed.

Enter the new class name (1 character) in the text box (Mandatory). An asterisk (*) indicates the job’s original MSGCLASS.

Optionally, you can specify a class in the From Class text box. If a class is specified, Output Handling is limited to only Outputs from the specified class.

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