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Control-M/Forecast adds forecasting capabilities to Control-M, that enables you estimate your scheduling environment behavior with respect to specific dates in the future. Both graphic and tabular representations of the forecast provide the future dates where a job or a folder is predicted to be submitted. In addition, Control-M/Forecast generates an estimate of the full production flow for a future date, as an enterprise-wide view.

Control-M/Forecast bases its projections on Control-M/Server's new day procedures and user dailies. Control-M/Forecast analyzes folder, user daily jobs, calendars, job dependencies (in and out conditions), time execution windows, Control-M time zone settings, resources and priorities in the Control-M/EM database and, based on existing statistics, estimates how jobs will run on specific days.

You can use the util utility to import and export history and forecast information.

The following procedures describe how to use the Forecast domain: