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Reserved character codes

Certain characters are reserved for formatting the XML file. These characters cannot be used in job parameter values submitted with the XML‑based utilities. Instead, each reserved character must be replaced by a code. The reserved characters and the codes are replaced and are listed in the following table:


Replacement code

" (double-quote)


’ (single-quote, apostrophe)


< (left-angle bracket)


> (right-angle bracket)


& (ampersand)


NOTE: The ampersand character can be used in the character replacement codes.

EXAMPLE: Using reserved character codes in an XML file.


INCOND NAME="if5<6’run’" ODATE="ODAT" AND_OR="AND" OP="("/


INCOND NAME="if5&lt;6&apos;run&apos;" ODATE="ODAT" AND_OR="AND" OP="("/

Parent Topic

XML file rules