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Creating an XML file

This procedure describes how to create an input file.

To create a file:

  1. Open any text editor or an XML editor.
  2. Enter the data for the utility that you are using, the format described in the parameter description tables, and examples that are provided with the utility.
  3. Check the syntax of the file for errors. If errors remain, they are identified when the file is submitted to the utility. Possible errors include:

    NOTE: Control-M/EM database validates every file you submit, rejecting those that have errors. When a file is rejected, the lines containing errors are specified for you.

  4. Save the file.

    NOTE: The file must be saved as a text file. It can have any file extension you want. However, BMC recommends that you use .xml

For reserved character codes and wildcard rules, see Reserved character codes and Wildcards.

Parent Topic

XML file rules