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The Ex-ITMaintenance application - organizing the IT department maintenance jobs

Control-M comes with a number of examples that you can open in Control-M . To load this example into Control-M , see Job definitions examples.

The IT department runs a number of maintenance jobs of different types that are collectively organized into the Ex-ITMaintenance application. Most of the jobs in the sample draft, perform tasks that must be performed in extreme emergencies (fire, floods, tornado watch, etc). The draft also contains a job for routine, non-emergency backups.

During an extreme emergency, it is imperative that emergency procedures be immediately implemented to get employees to safety, get the system backed up, and to shut down Control-M components. The sequencing of these jobs is important, and this, in turn, affects the Sub Applications of these jobs.

Jobs in this application fall into the following Sub Applications:

Handling IT job backup needs

The Ex-Backups Sub Application contains the following two jobs:

To handle emergency situations, see Emergency situations.

Parent Topic

Job definitions examples