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The Ex-Flights application - organizing the airline company's flight jobs

Control-M comes with a number of examples that you can open in Control-M . To load this example into Control-M , see Job definitions examples.

The primary objective of this airline company is to keep its airline routes functioning according to schedule, its seats booked, and its airplanes flying. The IT jobs that help the company meet its goals fall collectively into an application called Ex-Flights. Though, in reality, jobs in this application would fall into several Sub Applications, for simplicity the sample draft contains one Sub Application (Ex-Communication, which contains communication jobs), and this Sub Application contains one job.

Handling flight-related communication needs

The airline company runs a number of communication jobs. The sample contains one job, UpdateFlightTimes, which updates flight departure and arrival times.

Defining a job that updates flight departure and arrival times

The UpdateFlightTimes job runs a program that distributes updated departure and arrival times to the airline company's travel agents and associated airport monitors and Internet sites.

This batch job should run repeatedly throughout the day (at one minute intervals from the start of the previous iteration).

Defining the job type and other general information about the job

The General tab defines the File Name and File Path fields, which identify the file name and location of the batch job.

Defining the job so that it is scheduled daily

The job is scheduled every day. In the Scheduling tab, the Every Day value is selected.

Ensuring that the job cycles through every minute (from the start of the previous iteration)

In the Rerun Settings field define the cycle interval as every one minute from the start of the job.

Defining special handling if the job does not cycle through successfully

It is critical that the job runs every minute, and if there is a problem, it is critical that notification be sent to the main monitor. The Actions tab contains the following definitions:

Add an On Do Action, if the job status is NOTOK (On statement = *, Code = NOTOK) do the following:

Providing notification that the job processed successfully

Whenever the job ends successfully, a success message with the job’s runtime is shouted to the main monitor. The Shout message, Flights updated and distributed at %%TIME, is defined with a regular urgency in the Actions tab, Notification after job completion section. (The %%TIME variable resolves to the jobs runtime.)

Parent Topic

Job definitions examples