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Example mass update notifications when execution time exceeds 3 hours

The following example describes how to mass update notifications when execution time exceeds 3 hours.

Currently you have a number of jobs that send notifications when execution exceeds 5 hours and you want to update all jobs to send a notification after 3 hours.

  1. In the Update matching jobs according to the following criteria area, select Actions, then select, Notifications and click Notification.
  2. To add child criteria rules, click I_WA_UG_Find_child.
  3. In the next line, from the drop-down list select the message urgency.
  4. Click I_WA_UG_Find_child select Destination and type EM.
  5. Click I_WA_UG_Find_child and click Exectime.
  6. Click I_WA_UG_Find_child, click Time and then type <180.


  7. Click Update.

Parent Topic

Find and Update