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Control-M for PeopleSoft - best practice

The Control-M for PeopleSoft Application plug-in is a direct integration to the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, which can extract and insert jobs into the Process Request Tables. The Application Plug-in connection profile enables access to the PeopleSoft system including User ID and password as well as the connection string to PeopleSoft, which is stored and encrypted in the the Control-M database.

The following procedure describes how to create or modify a connection profile.

To create or modify a connection profile:

  1. Log into the Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM).
  2. Select Control-M for PeopleSoft and then right click and select Connection Profile Management (see screen shot below).


    The following window appears:


    This window displays all the connection profiles, which enables you to add or delete profiles, copy profiles and validate the connection.

  3. Click Add to add a new profile or select one to display/modify.

    The following window appears:


    NOTE: Naming standards are important. Name the profile something indicative of its purpose to the PeopleSoft instance to which connects. This makes it easier when selecting the profile you need to define a job. In this example we are select PS_851. We have used this example to correspond the PeopleTools version we use.

    This connection profile requires the PeopleTools version, the user name, user password and domain password. The application server is displayed at the bottom of the window.

  4. To add another application server, in the Application Servers field, click Add.

    The following window appears:


  5. Click OK.

    The new Application Server is added:


  6. To validate credentials, click Test.

    The Server connects to PeopleSoft using the credentials you just provided and reports success or failure in a pop-up window.

  7. Click OK to close the Test window, and click OK again to save the Connection Profile.

    You may now exit the CCM.

To create a new job flow:

  1. In Control-M, from the Planning domain select Blank Workspace.
  2. From the job palette select, PeopleSoft and drop the job into the workspace.

    The job palette enables you to select the types of jobs you may use. This list is controlled by role-based security and job type templates, some of which you can exclude.


    Control-M creates the job and places it in a folder:


    Folders are logical groupings used to encapsulate workflows for various reasons. Customer-specific, function specific, geographically specific, application specific are some examples of reasons to group jobs. You may also wish to create an application and/or sub-application to further quantify your workflow.

  3. To change the properties of the folder, right-click the folder and select Properties.

    The following folder appears:


    The folder can now be renamed to something indicative of the flow’s function, like Customer_Payroll or some other appropriate name.

    NOTE: SMART folders may have scheduling criteria, such as RUN DAILY, RUN FRIDAY, RUN WORKDAYS. Feel free to experiment with various options.

  4. In the Order Method field, select one of the following Order methods:
  5. Click OK when finished.

    This example has a single job - PeopleSoft_Job#1;

  6. Double click the job to edit.

    The window below opens and we can begin building the job based on the criteria supplied by our request for from the PeopleSoft requestor.


  7. Change the job’s name to something meaningful and add a description if desired.
  8. Select the Connection Profile from CCM, and enter the PeopleSoft ID. You can now select the other fields and Control-M will fill them in based on the connection profile and user ID’s access.

    The example below shows the Process Type selection list. Select the Process type and click OK.


    The example below shows the Process Name:


  9. Choose the process you would like and make whatever modifications for this job you would like.
  10. Click OK when finished.
  11. Add the Host, the Application and Sub-application.
  12. To set variable options, click Advanced.

    The Advanced window appears:


    You set up to 20 bind variable options. You may hard-code the values or use Control-M variables to populate the fields automatically. Control-M has 40 or so predefined variables from dates to fields in the job definition. You may also set your own based on job status, SQL queries or other methods.

  13. Once you are finished, click OK to close the window.
  14. Click OK to save the job definition.
  15. To build a flow of jobs click and drag job types into the folder. Then click & drag lines between the jobs to create dependencies between jobs.

    The example below has a Windows job, followed by three PeopleSoft jobs which execute in the order they appear, with two eligible job running in parallel, and finally another Windows job. The “Payroll” job at the end is a Control-M Batch Impact Manager Service job.


    Its purpose is to notify appropriate users that the workflow’s service levels are on track and that any failures or exceptions will be reported to the appropriate personnel. Once you have completed your workflow, save the folder for later or check it in if you have finished.

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