Converting multiple Control-M/Agents to remote hosts

This procedure describes how to convert multiple Control-M/Agents to remote hosts.

Before you begin

To convert multiple Control-M/Agents to remote hosts:

  1. Log in to the database server and run the following SQL commands to define all the run as users on the Control-M/Agent computers:

    select OWNER from CMR_AJF where lower(NODEID)='<agentNameToBeConverted>' union

    select OWNER from CMS_JOBDEF where

    lower(NODEGRP)='<agentNameToBeConverted>' or exists

    (select 1 from CMS_NODGRP where GRPNAME=CMS_JOBDEF.NODEGRP and


    : (PosgreSQL/Oracle) go (MSSQL)

    NOTE: The <agentNameToBeConverted> variable must be in lower case.

  2. Define the run as users that were defined in the SQL command, as described in Defining run as user authentication settings or ctmsetown.
  3. Shut down the required Control-M/Agents, as described in Shutting down a component.
  4. Convert each Control-M/Agent to a remote host, as described in Converting a Control-M/Agent to a Remote Host or ctmhostmap.

Parent Topic

Remote Hosts