Do Force Job parameters

Do Force Job action enables you to force a job in Control-M Active Jobs, even if the basic scheduling criteria of the job are not satisfied. For more information, see DOFORCEJOB: Action Parameter in the INCONTROL User Guide.

The following table describes the Do Force job parameters.




Defines the name of a folder. Mandatory


Defines the name of the scheduling library containing the specified table. Mandatory.

Job Name

Defines the name of the job to be triggered. Optional. If blank, all jobs in the table are forced.


Defines the scheduling date of the job. Mandatory.

Valid values are:

  • Order Date (ODAT): Resolves to the current installation working date. Default.
  • System Date: (DATE) Resolves to the current system date.
  • Specific Date: Specific Date: Enables you to type a specific 6-digit date, in format mmddyy, ddmmyy, yymmdd, depending on the site standard.

Parent Topic

Do Actions