Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server high availability with Oracle/MSSQL

After you have installed a secondary Control-M (see High availability installation), the Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server Configuration Agent on the secondary host monitors the primary Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server based on defined intervals. If there is no response from the primary, you can fail over to the secondary in one of the following modes:

The following procedures describe how to manually fail over to a secondary host, pause Control-M/Server, fall back to a primary host, and set secondary to Primary:

NOTE: If you attempt to manually start up components on the secondary when the primary is active, the components shut down automatically. This prevents both the primary and secondary from running components simultaneously.

For a description of configurable Control-M/EM high availability system parameters, see Maintenance parameters. For a description of configurable Control-M/Server high availability system parameters, see High Availability parameters. To receive notifications about Control-M/Server high availability events, see Control-M/Server general parameters. To receive notifications about Control-M/EM high availability events, see Control-M/EM general parameters.

Parent Topic

High availability

See Also

Control-M/EM high availability architecture

Control-M/Server high availability architecture (Oracle/MSSQL)