Control-M/Server general parameters

The following table lists the Control‑M/Server system parameters. These parameters are assigned default values during installation. For some of the parameters, you can use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Parameter Name



Determines the number of days to wait before sending a warning that Workload Archiving is not enabled on a PostgreSQL database.

Valid values: 0 (unlimited) -365.

Default: 7

Executable Path

Location where Control‑M/Server expects to find all of its executable programs (for example, /usr/controlm/ctm_server/exe_Solaris).

Maximum Number of Tracker Worker Threads (TRACKER_MAX_WORKERS_NUM)

Determines the maximum number of worker threads that the tracker can create.

Valid values:


Maximum: 100

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Recycle (by shutting down the Control‑M/Server and then re-starting it)


Determines the number of days before a warning is sent for not activating a HOT backup on a PostgreSQL database.

Valid values: 0 (unlimited)–365

Default: 4

Number of Tracker Worker Threads (TRACKER_WORKERS_NUM)

This parameter determines the number of worker threads available for the tracker process at startup.

Valid values: 1–100

Default: 5

Refresh Type: Recycle (by shutting down the Control‑M/Server and then re-starting it)

Secure Sockets Layer

Handshake protocol for communications between Control‑M/Server and Control-M/EM, and between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent.

Valid Values:

  • INACTIVE—Control-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. If Control-M/Agent is in SSL mode, the server tries to switch that agent to non-SSL mode.
  • DISABLED—Control-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. If Control-M/Agent is in SSL mode, the server does not try to switch that agent to non-SSL mode.
  • ENABLED—Control-M/Server works in SSL mode.

Default: Disabled

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => System Parameters and Shout Destination Tables => System Parameters => Next Page => Secure Sockets Layer. The parameter that is updated is the CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_SSL_ENBL parameter.

Refresh Type: manual

Start Day of the Week (SWEEK)

Day on which the work week starts at your site

NOTE: This parameter affects the Weekdays job processing parameter.

Valid Values: 0 (Saturday) through 6 (Friday)

Default: 2 (Monday)

How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Whether job statistics should be written to the Control‑M/Server database

Y tells Control‑M to record job statistics.

N tells Control‑M not to record job statistics.

Default: Y

How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines which email addresses receive notifications about events.

The e-mails are sent using the SMTP parameters, as described in SMTP parameters.


Determines which email addresses receive notifications about events.

The e-mails are sent using the SMTP parameters, as described in SMTP parameters.

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Control-M/Server parameters