SMTP parameters

The following parameters are applicable to DOMAIL, -DOSHOUT (when shout destination is mail), ctmshout, and –SHOUT (when shout destination is mail).

The OUPUT of a job can be attached to an e-mail message only if the job has completed processing.




Determines whether the OUTPUT of a job can be attached to e-mail messages.

Valid values:

  • N – No. When specified, the OUTPUT of a job is not attached. This setting overrides any specification made elsewhere.
  • A – Attachment. When specified, the OUTPUT of a job is attached. This setting overrides any specification made elsewhere.

Default: N

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum size of the attachment OUTPUT file in kilobytes. You can specify the value 0 for unlimited size.

NOTE: If the OUTPUT file is larger than the specified maximum size, the OUTPUT will not be attached to the e‑mail message.

Valid values: 0–2^31

Default: 5120KB (5MB)

Refresh Type: Manual


When sending a mail request—with a OUTPUT file attached—to the SMTP server, determines the maximum time to wait.

Valid values: 1–300 (seconds)

Default: 30 (seconds)

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines if the Control-M/Server Shout by orderno prefix must be added to the subject of the e-mail message.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Manual


Determines the maximum time to send the mail request to the SMTP server when no OUTPUT is attached.

Valid values: 1–30 (seconds)

Default: 10 (seconds)

Refresh Type: Manual


Number of attempts to get an Agent's network information

Valid values: 1-2048

Default: 5


Specifies the name of the SMTP server relay.

Valid values: 0 - 50 characters

Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters => SMTP Server (Relay) Name.

To disable, use a dummy value.

EXAMPLE: do-not-send-mails

Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the e-mail address used by Control-M/Server.

Valid values: 0 - 99 characters

Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by Control@M.)

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters => Sender Email.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the port number to which the service is assigned.

Valid values: 1–65536

Default: 25

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters => Port Number.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the regular text name used to identify the sender.

Valid values: 0 - 99 characters

Default: Control-M/Server (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters => Sender Friendly Name.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the email address to which messages are returned if a return address is not otherwise specified. If this parameter is null, the sender’s email address becomes the default.

Valid values: 0 - 99 characters

Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)

How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters => Reply–To Email.

Refresh Type: Manual

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server parameters