Editing a PGP template

This procedure describes how to edit a PGP template in the Control-M Configuration Manager, which can be used to define PGP parameters in the properties pane.

NOTE: You cannot edit pre-defined PGP templates (highlighted in red).

To edit a PGP template:

  1. From the Control-M Configuration Manager, select the Control-M Managed File Transfer on the host that you want to manage, right-click, and select PGP Template Management.

    The Control-M for MFT - PGP Templates Management window appears.

  2. Select the template that you want update and click the icon.

    The Control-M for MFT-PGP Template details dialog box appears.

  3. For each field, update the required value, as described in PGP template parameters.
  4. Click OK.

    The PGP template is updated.

Parent Topic

PGP template management