PGP template parameters

The following table lists the PGP template parameters.



Template Name

Defines the name of the PGP template (30 characters maximum length).

PGP Executable Full Path

Defines the location and name of the executable file for the PGP application

Exit Code

Defines the code of a successful PGP operation


Defines the passphrase that is used to decrypt the file

Confirm Passphrase

Confirms the passphrase that is used to decrypt the file


Determines the name of the recipient that is defined in the encrypt command

Encryption/Decryption Parameters

Defines the PGP command line parameters for encryption/decryption.

The following variables can be used:

$$PGP_PASSPHRASE$$: Determines the passphrase that is defined in the Passphrase field. This provides additional security as you do not have to write the passphrase in the PGP command.

$$PGP_RECIPIENT$$: Determines the recipient name that is defined the Recipient field.

$$PGP_INPUT_FILE$$: Determines the name of the file to encrypt/decrypt

$$PGP_OUTPUT_FILE$$: Determines the name and the location of the encrypted/decrypted file. You need to use this variable with the output option of your PGP application.

You must use both $$PGP_INPUT_FILE$$ and $$PGP_OUTPUT_FILE$$ when defining a PGP template, otherwise Control-M MFT fails to complete the PGP operation.

You must define either encrypt or decrypt parameters, or both.

Encrypt GnuPG example: -e -r $$PGP_RECIPIENT$$ -o $$PGP_OUTPUT_FILE$$ $$PGP_INPUT_FILE$$

Decrypt GnuPG example: -d --batch --passphrase $$PGP_PASSPHRASE$$ -o $$PGP_OUTPUT_FILE$$ $$PGP_INPUT_FILE$$

Parent Topic

PGP template management