Promoting a workspace

The following procedure describes how to promote a workspace from one environment to another.

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

To promote a workspace:

  1. In the Workspace tab, click I_WA_UG_Promote.
  2. If more than one promotion rule appears, from the Promotion Rule Selection window, select the promotion rule from the drop-down list and click OK.

    The Promote request window appears.

  3. In the Promote request window, define the following parameters:
  4. Click OK.

    NOTE: A warning message may appear if the folder does not conform to the source environment promotion rules.

  5. A confirmation window appears, click Yes.

    If you select, Promotion request, the folder appears in the Unassigned Work in the Planning - Home tab of the target environment. If you select Promote and check-in, the folder is automatically checked in. For more information about workspaces, see Creating a Workspace.

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