Enabling SSL with default certificates and the IBM JDK

The following procedure describes how to enable SSL on BMC Batch Impact Manager with default certificates and the IBM JDK. This is for deployment to any web server that uses the SSL protocol and the IBM JDK, for example, most WebSphere configurations.

To enable SSL:

  1. Navigate to the BMC Batch Impact Manager root directory:
  2. Run the configmanager utility:
  3. Continue with Working with configmanager utility to review whether additional settings are needed.
  4. When done with the utility, use the newly created bim_ssl.ear and bim_ssl.war files for deployment, and follow the instructions provided by your web application server.

    NOTE: If the SSL arguments are not included when running the utility, the SSL deployment files may not be created.

Parent Topic

Configuring BMC Batch Impact Manager web app