24001 Failed to refresh alert list in memory. Alert list will be refreshed in the next refresh cycle. (WARNING).

Explanation: X-Alert message. Your database might be experiencing problems, or the ALARM table might not exist. During each specified period of time, the GUI Server refreshes the list of the alerts saved in its memory and deletes from its memory the alerts that were deleted by the Gateway from the database, thereby synchronizing the list of alerts saved in the memory and in the database.

When the problem is corrected, the GUI Server refreshes deleted alerts in the next refresh period.

Corrective Action: It is likely that this is a database or database connectivity issue. If the problem still exists, run the Control-M/EM Health Check utility by typing em_data_collector from the command line and contact BMC Customer Support. For more information about using the Health Check utility, see Health Check utility.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM Messages