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Security maintenance utility (Batch mode)

Certain ctmsec Security Maintenance utility functions can be activated in batch mode. These functions include listing, updating, and deleting entries in the Control‑M Security database. These functions are described in Security maintenance utility (Interactive mode) .

User authorization

The user authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to list, update, delete, and copy users in the Control‑M Security database.

Group authorization

Group authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to list, modify, and delete groups in the Control‑M Security database.

Folder authorization option

The Folder authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to assign authorizations to users and groups to perform actions on Folders.

Active Jobs database authorization

The Active Jobs database authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to assign authorizations to users and groups to perform actions on jobs in the Active Jobs database.

Entities authorization options

The entity authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to assign authorizations to users and groups to perform actions relating to Control‑M entities.

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