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Security maintenance utility (Interactive mode)

The ctmsec Control‑M Security Maintenance utility defines users in the Control‑M Security database and assigns authorizations required for working with Control‑M using the Control-M Configuration Manager. ctmsec runs on the Control-M/Server computer.

Changes made by this utility are implemented only after you exit the utility.

Users can be defined as part of a group. Authorizations can be specified for a specific user, for a group, or for both. See Security maintenance utility (Batch mode).

When assigning a user to a group, the following rules apply:

Certain functions of the ctmsec utility can be activated directly from a command line. For more information, see Security maintenance utility (Batch mode). In addition, certain functions of the ctmsec utility can be activated using the Control-M Configuration Manager. For more information, see Control-M security.

The security of Sub Folders and jobs within Sub Folders is determined according the security that is set for SMART folders.

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