OS/400 Multiple Commands

OS/400 multiple commands enable you to execute multiple commands in a single Job using the Control-M Command line interpreter. It enables you to create Jobs with multiple commands, eliminating the need to use pre and post commands. It also enables an easier conversion from the ROBOT Job schedulers.

You can access the OS/400 Multiple Commands from the Job palette in the Planning domain or from What to run field in OS/400 Full in the Job Properties Pane in Control-M. For more details about O/S 400 parameters, see OS/400 job Full parameters

The following table describes the OS/400 Commands and Multiple Commands parameters.




(Multiple Commands only) Specifies the command line to be executed.

Ignore errors

Enables you to ignore errors when running Jobs. If set to Yes, errors encountered in this command at run time are ignored. The error message is logged in the Job log of the Job and the processing is resumed from the next command.

If set to No (default), the Job ends in NOTOK if errors are encountered in this command at run time.

Submission Attributes

Enables you to define submission attribute parameters for an OS/400 Job. For more information, see Submission Attributes.


Enables you to define advanced parameters for an OS/400 Job. For more information, see Advanced parameters for OS/400 Job.

Ignore all errors

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables you to ignore errors encountered in any of the commands specified by the Job. The error message is logged in the Job log and the processing is resumed from the next command.

Log informational messages

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables additional informational messages logged in the Job log when the Job is executing.

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OS/400 job Full parameters