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Submission Attributes

The following tables describes the submission attribute parameters for an O/S 400 Job.



Job Description

Defines the name of the OS/400 Job description (*JOBD) used to submit the Job. You can select a Job description name from the generated list.


Defines the name of the library where the Job description resides. You can select a library name from the generated list.

Job Queue

Defines the name of the Job queue to submit the Job to. You can select a Job queue name from the generated list.


Defines the name of the library where the Job queue resides. You can select a library name from the generated list.

Job queue priority

Specifies the Job queue scheduling priority.

NOTE: 1 is the highest and 9 is the lowest.

When System default is set, the Job will be submitted with the system default JOBPTY value.

Hold on Job queue

Specifies whether this Job is held at the time that it is put on the Job queue. When System default is set, the Job will be submitted with the system default HOLD value.

Run priority

Specifies the run priority for the Job.

NOTE: 1 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest.

The Agent only attempts to set Job Run Priority after the Job is submitted. If a Job is not available or ends before the priority is set, the Job is not updated and no error message is sent. If the OS/400 configuration parameter CHGRUNPTY is set to N, the RUNPTY of the Job is not set.

Submit with ASAP option

Enables you to submit the Job to a NOMAX Job queue. If selected, Job Queue, Library, Job queue priority and Hold on Job queue are disabled.

Ignore all errors

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables you to ignore errors encountered in any of the commands specified by the Job. The error message is logged in the Job log and the processing is resumed from the next command.

Log informational messages

(Script File, Multiple commands, and VT only) Enables additional informational messages logged in the Job log when the Job is executing.

Delete file

(Script File, and VT only) Deletes the script file or VT script file when the Job execution ends.

NOTE: This attribute is not valid when “Script file location” is set to “Embedded script”.

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OS/400 Program