5906 User Daily userDailyName: USER EXIT CTMUE106 failed. old_odat= date

Explanation: The After User Daily Exit (CTMUE106) fails in relation to the userDailyName User Daily job because the Control-M/Server fails to create, write to, read from, or delete the flat text file, which is passed to the user exit script (date is the current Control-M/Server date).

If the Control-M/Server fails to create or write to the flat text file, the user exit script does not execute. Otherwise, the user exit is executed and in any event, the procedure of ordering the User Daily job completes.

Corrective Action:

If this does not solve the problem and the problem persists, notify BMC Software Customer Support.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server Messages

5922 Illegal host type Host Type encountered for host HostName

Explanation: The host HostName for a specific job, has an invalid Host Type.

The specific job is not submitted.

Corrective Action: Delete the HostName by selecting ctm_menu > 9-Agent Status > 4–Delete Agent Platform Entry. The Control-M/server rediscovers the HostName.