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29017 DO_MAIL message too long, message truncated. Folder Id: folderID. (WARNING)

Explanation: X-Alert message. A specific job data includes the DO_MAIL option and the message length exceeds the maximum length allowed. When this job's data arrives from Control-M/Server to Control-M/EM the gateway truncates the message in order to fit into the relevant database field. The data arrives as part of an Active Job file job update.

The job data arriving from Control-M/Server will be processed in Control-M/EM. However, the message will be truncated once inserted into the Control-M/EM database. In addition, the following message would be issued on the relevant Gateway log:

===> WARNING: do_mail_special : active DO_MAIL MESSAGE truncated.

===> WARNING: validate_message_length: DO_MAIL msg truncated at location, orig length: length.

The relevant Gateway log is located under the Control-M/EM home directory under the log folder. The name of the Gateway log has the following naming convention:


Corrective Action: Fix the message length on the job definition by performing the following steps:

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Control-M/EM Messages