6711 functionName: Failed to send message: rc

Explanation: The Control-M/Server Configuration Agent attempts to send a response to the Control-M Configuration Server, but the attempt fails. A return code of 5 is displayed, indicating that communication is down.

Corrective Action: Check the communication between the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent and Control-M Configuration Server. In case the communication is down, check the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent port definition on the Control-M/Server Configuration Manager.

This port definition should be the same as the CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_PORT_NUMBER parameter, whose default value is 2369. This parameter is defined in the config.dat file, which is located in the CTMServerInstallation/CTM_Server/Data directory.

Use the netstat -na command to verify that this port is not in use by any other application.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server Messages