Control-M/Server migration considerations

A variety of data types and data files are migrated to the new environment. Although most data is migrated, certain types of data items are not migrated and you will need to manually copy them to the new environment or manually configure them on the new environment. The following table lists the various data items that are migrated during Control-M/Server migration, as well as the data items that are not migrated:

Data category

Data migrated

Data NOT migrated

Database data

  • Scheduling-related data
  • Agent-related data

Database configuration parameters

Control-M/Server data

Most configuration data (in configuration files such as config.dat), including Scheduling settings and Performance settings

  • Environment-dependent data, such as data regarding hosts and ports
  • Database connection parameters
  • Parameters for paths to files and directories
  • Process parameters and comments
  • Computer-specific or account-specific parameters
  • SMTP and email settings
  • User Exist scripts

Agent and Remote Host data

  • Control-M/Agent statuses of disabled agents
  • Pre-defined agent-specific parameters
  • System parameters
  • Manual conditions in the ctmldnrs.dat file (created by the ctmldnrs utility), provided that the file is stored in the default location, <server_home>/tmp
  • Lists of utilities permitted to be activated by the agents
  • Remote agent maps

Customized values of the following parameters are not migrated. Instead, these parameters are set to the following default values:

  • Communication Protocol Version: 12
  • Check Interval: 7200
  • Unavailability Shout Urgency: R
  • Persistent Connection: N
  • Allow Agent Disconnection: Y
  • Session Idle Time-out: 900
  • Maximum Disconnect Time: 300

SSL certifications

SSL migration is available only when migrating from UNIX to UNIX or from Windows to Windows.

NOTE: For SSL migration, the Secure Sockets Layer parameter must be set to ENABLED, as discussed in Control-M/Server general parameters.

If you are migrating from UNIX to Windows or from Windows to UNIX, SSL configuration is not migrated and you must define the SSL configuration manually.

Remedy data

Remedy configuration parameters from the exported config.dat file are migrated to the RemedyConf.xml file located in ctm\<server_home>\data\remedy


Parent Topic

Migration planning process