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Active Jobs authorization option

This option is used to assign authorizations to a user or group for actions on jobs in the Active Jobs database. The authorizations assigned are with regard to specific job owners (the user appearing in the Owner parameter for each job).

When creating or modifying a job, working in full security mode and ordering SMART Folders where Y has been specified for Order, BMC recommends to specify Y also for Hold. The SMART Folder remains in Hold status if the user has only ORDER/FORCE permissions. In addition, if you did not specify an asterisk (*) for the Host Group prompt, you need to create another Active Jobs database authorizations for the specified user for the SMART folder and Sub Folder entities, in which in the Host Group prompt, you must specify the local hostname of the Control-M/Server. Do this by running ctm_menu and then from the Control-M Main Menu select option 5 - Parameter Customization, then option 1 - Basic Communication and Operational Parameters and then 1 - Local IP Host Interface Name.

For more information about the types of authorization that can be granted using this option, see Active Jobs Authorization in Security maintenance utility (Batch mode).

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