5228 SHOUT TO <shout to program logical name> STILL RUNNING. [JOB|SMART table|Sub table] PROCESSING CONTINUES.

Explanation: The <shout to program logical name> has being running for 20 seconds, and the Control-M/Server continues to process the JOB|SMART folder|Sub folder now without waiting for the shout to complete.

Corrective Action: Check why the shout's program is running for a long time and whether it can be modified to run for less You can modify SHOUT_TO_PROGRAM_TIMEOUT parameter (<Control-M Server home directory>/ctm_server/data/config.dat file or in Control-M Configuration Manager (Tools => System Configuration => Control-M/Server System Parameters ) if you wish Control-M/Server to wait more than 20 seconds for the program to complete.

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Control-M/Server Messages