Generating Dynamic Periodic Statistics

This procedure describes how to generate dynamic statistics for a Dynamic Period, which enables you to collect run time statistics for a group of jobs during a period of time that begins when the associated condition is added to the Active Conditions list, and ends when the condition is removed from the Active Conditions list. The condition can also be global to ensure that dynamic statistics are collected for the Control-M/Servers.

Before you begin

To generate Dynamic Periodic Statistics:

  1. From the Tools domain, in the Production Control area, select Conditions.

    The Conditions manager appears.

  2. From the Conditions menu, select Add Condition.

    A new condition appears in the Properties pane.

  3. In the Condition Name field, set the condition name in the form <Condition Prefix><single character> as follows:
    1. Type the Condition Prefix that you set in Creating a Dynamic Periodic Statistics definition.
    2. Type the Dynamic Period name by including it as the last character of the Condition name, in the form (0 – 9, A – Z, or a – z).

    If no conditions are defined, the statistics are collected for a period without a condition. When more than one condition exists, the statistics will be collected for the highest condition (first lower case letters, then capital letters, and then numbers).

  4. From the Control-M Server drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server that hosts the condition.
  5. In the Order Date area, select No Date.
  6. Click Save.

    The condition appears in the Active Conditions list, and the dynamic statistics are gathered for all the jobs that start running that are included in the defined filter from Creating a Dynamic Periodic Statistics definition.

  7. To view the statistics in a job that is included in the filter, see Analyzing active jobs.
  8. To stop generating the dynamic statistics, remove the Condition from the Active Conditions list, as described in Deleting a condition.

For more information about rules for adding and removing conditions, see Forecast/BIM rules and Editing a Service Assumption.

For more information on global conditions, see Global Conditions Prefixes and Connecting jobs from different Control-M/Servers.

Parent Topic

Periodic Statistics definition