The Workload Policy Definition manager is a tool that enables you to control, manage, and balance the workload on Control-M resources and hosts in the following areas:
You can divide any or all of the jobs in the Control-M production into smaller groups of jobs, which are called Workload Policies. Jobs are grouped together according to shared general attributes in their job definitions based on filters, which associates any job with those attributes in production with the Workload Policy. A Workload Policy enforces its rules on all associated jobs, which can quickly affect large numbers of jobs processing definitions without manually changing the jobs’ definitions individually.
Workload Policy rules can limit the resources that the associated jobs can consume and specific times can be defined when these rules are enforced. This prevents a Workload Policy from taking control of all available resources and preventing other jobs from running.
A Workload Policy can route associated jobs to a specific host. This allows you to change the execution host defined for certain jobs in production and re-route groups of jobs without affecting the jobs’ definitions.
The following procedures describe how to create, copy, delete, activate, and deactivate Workload Policy Definitions:
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