Control-M contains tools that provide enhanced functionality and gives you unlimited control over every aspect of job definition and execution in your environment.
The following table describes the available tools that you can access from Tools domain or from the Tools menu in the Planning, Monitoring, History, and Forecast domains:
Tool |
Description |
Enables you to customize settings for the Control-M Workload AutomationControl-M client. |
Planning Tools |
Enables you to create a regular, periodic, relative, and Control-M Rule-Based Calendar. |
Enables you to view all folders defined in all environments, upload Control-M/EM data to Control-M/Server, download Control-M/Server data to Control-M/EM, and order and delete folders. |
Enables you to collect separate statistics on a specific job or set of jobs, based on a calendar period, or a dynamic period that is effective only while the dynamic condition is active. |
Enables you to create service definitions and service rules that are used to model the Production for your end users. |
Enables you create templates for job and folder definitions. |
Enables you to take ownership, rename, and delete a workspace. |
Enables you to simplify job properties and restrict creation of job types. |
Enables you to define settings that ensure Control-M Workload Change Manager web users and Control-M schedulers follow your organization's standards. |
Production Control Tools |
Enables you to view all active Conditions that are available to Active Jobs, and create conditions manually. |
Enables you to create the shared or exclusive resources that are available to active jobs. |
Enables you to define global prefixes that are used for prerequisite conditions to establish job dependencies across different Control-M/Servers by defining condition name prefixes that indicate that a condition is global. |
Enables you to create active quantitative resources that are available to active jobs. |
Enables you to control, manage, and balance the workload on Control-M resources and hosts. |
Monitoring Tools |
Enables you to monitor your production. |
Enables you analyze services, and locate and resolve problematic jobs. |
Enables you to define Viewpoints. You can then view and monitor jobs on a particular Control-M/Server, jobs belonging to a specific user, and jobs having a particular status, such as failed jobs. |
Enables you to see the current status of associated jobs with a Workload Policy. |
Communication Tools |
Enables you to monitor the communication status between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server, troubleshoot connectivity problems, and change the Control-M password, as described in the following topics: |
Batch Impact Manager/Forecast Tools |
Enables you to manually revise the expected run time for a job by creating exceptions. |
Enables you to add a specific user daily defined in folder, and specify the Order time. |
Other Tools |
Enables you to administer, manage, monitor, configure, and maintain all Control-M components, as well as defining security settings and user authorizations. |
Reports (Control-M Reporting Facility) |
Enables you to define templates that you can use to generate reports that provide important information about your Control‑M job flow. |