Defining a Control-M/Agent component

This procedure describes how to define a Control-M/Agent component, which enables you to connect it to a Control-M/Server using specific communication parameters. After the Control-M/Agent is defined you can use the Control-M/Server to run jobs on this Control-M/Agent.

To define a Control-M/Agent component:

  1. From the Components menu, select New > Control-M/Agent.

    The Control-M/Agent dialog box appears.

  2. From the Control-M/Server Name drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server that you want to connect the Control-M/Agent.
  3. In the Control-M/Agent Host Name field, type the name of the host where the Control-M/Server is located.
  4. Accept the default values, or type or select the required value, as described in the following:
  5. Click Test.

    The test completes successfully.

  6. Click OK.

    The new Control-M/Agent appears in the CCM.

Parent Topic

Component management