Remote Host parameters

The following table describes the Remote Host parameters:



SSH Connection Mode

Determines one of the following connection modes:

  • SSH Only
  • SSH with SFTP - One Connection
  • SSH with SFTP - Two Connections

Connection Retries

Defines the maximum number of attempts to restore the connection between Control-M/Server and the remote host

Connection Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that Control-M/Server attempts to connect to the remote host before the remote host is set to Unavailable.

Temporary Directory

Defines a directory to store temporary files that are automatically removed from Control-M/Agent when the jobs end and the network connection is available or restored.

Default: Job Owners (Run As) home directory. The period (.) represents this directory.

Print Details to OUTPUT

Determines whether to include details related to the remote connection in the job output of jobs executed on a remote host.

Default Queue

Defines the default batch queue where the Control-M/Agent submits jobs to an OpenVMS remote host.

If this parameter is not specified, the Control-M/Agent submits jobs to sys$batch (the system’s default batch queue).

Valid values: String consisting of 1 to 31 characters, including any uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric digits, the dollar sign ($), the underscore (_), and includes at least one alphabetic character.

Parent Topic

Defining a Control-M/Agent component