Control-M/Server utilities

This table lists the Control-M/Server utilities for communication, startup, and troubleshooting.

Utility Type



The ctm_agstat utility enables you to list or update the status of an agent.


The ctm_diag_comm utility generates a report about the connection details between the specified Control-M/Agent or remote host and Control-M/Server.


The ctmgetcm utility is used to collect, store and display application server information from Control‑M/Agents (version 6.1.01 or later).


The ctmhostmap utility manages the mapping of remote host computers to agents and the conversion of Control-M/Agents to remote host computers.


The ctmhostgrp utility is used to maintain and view host groups. This utility provides the command line facility for running the options available from the Host Group Menu.


The ctmping utility tests, configures, and reports on the connection and availability between Control-M/Server and Control‑M/Agents or remote host computers.


The ctmshout utility sends a message to the specified user or destination using the specified severity level.


The ctmshtb utility specifies the active Shout Destination folder.


The ctmspdiag utility is a tool to print or erase diagnostic messages recorded from stored procedures (SPs) in the Control-M/Server database.


The ctmsuspend utility suspends and restores Control-M for Databases non‑communication processes for mass uploads and downloads from Control‑M/EM. During suspension mode, Control-M inactivates its job processing functions by suspending the TR, SL, NS, LG, and WD processes.


The init_prflag utility resets sleep times and trace levels for Control-M/Server processes.

Shutting down Control-M/Server Configuration Agent using the shut_ca utility

The shut_ca utility is used to shut down the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Shutting down Control-M/Server using the shut_ctm utility

The shut_ctm utility is used to shut down Control-M/Server and its processes.

Viewing Control-M/Server Configuration Agent status using the show_ca utility

The show_ca utility is used to display the status of the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Shutting down the SQL database server using the shutdb utility

The shutdb utility is used to shut down the SQL database server.

Starting Control-M/Server Configuration Agent using the start_ca utility

The start_ca utility is used to start up the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Starting Control-M/Server using the start_ctm utility

The start_ctm utility is used to start Control-M/Server.

Starting the SQL database server using the startdb utility

The startdb utility is used to start the SQL database server.

Parent Topic

Communication, start up, and troubleshooting