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Running your project

This procedure describes how to run your project.

To run your project:

  1. Set the environment variables for the Control-M/EM API by running the emapi_env.bat (or file.
  2. Ensure that the environment variables are set for the Java environment and that the path includes the Java installation location. If they are not set, run the following command:
  3. Copy the emapi-800\ file to your project working directory.
  4. Run the java command from the project working directory, using the following CORBA parameters:

    These parameters are needed by Control‑M/EM API. Pass them to your project as the first and second runtime parameters. The command must be entered as a single line.

    Optionally, you can pass these parameters by using one of the alternative methods described in Error in Java virtual machine parameters.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM API configuration